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Auction Software | BestWEBAuction | Free Web hosting | Unlimited space for hosting


Consolidate all your sites: less hassle, less costs. The most practical solution for your hosting needs.

We provide you free hosting on the following terms :-

a) The site should be a live site.
b) The site should not contain adult related materials or materials of socially unacceptable things.
c) The site should contain a small text advertisement of BestWEBAuction at the bottom of the home page (ideally) or any other place deemed suitable by the site admin.
d) We shall initially provide free hosting for 500 MB and then once 80% of the space has been utilized, we will add another 500 MB to it and so on. So basically you have unlimited hosting - enjoy !!!

Free unlimited web hosting *
Parameters Server Type OS Disk space Monthly transfer Web Server PHP Version Web Stats
Values GNU / Linux CentOs Unlimited Unlimited Apache 2.2.17 5.2.9 Available
Parameters SSL MySQL cPanel Access Webmail Pop3 / IMap accounts Email Accounts Price
Values Available at 40$ USD a year 5.0.81 – community Yes Yes Yes Available Free

 For more details please Contact Us.