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Auction Software | BestWEBAuction | Terms Of Use
Terms Of Use

You will need to read this Agreement in its entirety to review the general provisions of the Terms of Use.

BestWEBAuction is offered to you conditioned on your acceptance without modification of these Terms of Use. Your use of BestWEBAuction constitutes your agreement to these Terms of Use. Your use of a particular BestWEBAuction Web site included within, or acceptance of a product, service or benefit obtained through BestWEBAuction constitutes your agreement to these Terms of Use. If you do not have print capability or otherwise desire to obtain a hard copy of these Terms of Use, please contact BestWEBAuction customer service.

If any of the terms, conditions, and notices contained herein conflict with the Additional Terms or other terms and guidelines contained within or applicable to any particular BestWEBAuction Web site, service, product or benefit, then the applicable Additional Terms shall control. You agree to familiarize yourself with the Terms of Use, including any Additional Terms, and other terms and guidelines found throughout BestWEBAuction and abide by them if you choose to use the site or accept the products, services, or benefits, to which such terms apply.