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Online Auction Solutions | BestWebAuction | PHP Script & Auction Software
What is BestWEBAuction?
BestWEBAuction is a real time online auction site software package. It is user friendly with a fully controllable admin backend. It offers Standard, reverse and penny auctions.

You may be an established auctioneer looking to make a strategic move online, or you may be a retailer looking to interact with your customers in a different way.

With our auction software you remain in full control of your business development. Our solution covers your particular online auction business needs. You can control all aspects of your auction, from bidding to user management, with our easy-to-use auction management.

What is an Auction?
In a typical auction process the seller sells the product or service to the person who bids the highest price. It is open and ensures a wide range of bids.

In economic theory an auction is a method for determining the value of a commodity that has an undetermined or variable price. In the context of auctions, a bid is an offered price.

Running an auction on line provides the opportunity to not only attract your current crop of customers but also to capture a new set from a more far reaching geographic location. Auction sites are a brilliant way of creating new niche markets. As an online auctioneer you can use the scale of online marketing to reduce costs.
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