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Auction Software | BestWEBAuction | Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

BestWEBAuction will help its customers retain their privacy while they take advantage of what the Internet has to offer. We are committed to protecting your privacy.

BestWEBAuction explicitly asks when it needs information that personally identifies you. BestWEBAuction asks for general contact information and, where appropriate, credit card information.

BestWEBAuction uses your Personal Information to provides services and to communicate with you regarding your BestWEBAuction account and to compile general demographic statistics.

As part of your participation in any of the BestWEBAuctionservices, BestWEBAuction allows you to elect to receive or not receive certain information and e-mail from BestWEBAuction. From time to time, BestWEBAuction may be required to send you information about the service or your account. Except as mentioned above, BestWEBAuction will not send you unsolicited information, commercial offers or advertisements, including e-mail.

We use your e-mail address to respond to incoming service requests from you. Because we service so many customers, e-mail is the primary way we interact with our members. We ask for your postal address because some of our services, that a customer may choose, requires a mailing address so that we can completely perform the service.